What is Threat Intelligence?
Threat Intelligence is a service that provides insight regarding a specific URL's violation activity. This service will provide an indication on a scale from 0 to 5 of how risky you can consider the URL is.
The risk is an estimation AdSecure gives about the probability and the severity of violations. The higher the risk is, the more probable it is that the URL will present violations. The less the risk is, the safer it can be considered.
You can consider the risk an implementation of the Overall Risk of Symantec. The severity from 1 to 5 (0 being nonexistent) is defined as:
- Very low
- Low
- Moderate
- Severe
- Very severe
Threat intelligence is a service built on Odin.
What can I use it for?
You may use Threat Intelligence as a filter, in order to optimize the distribution of scans in an effective way. As it does not consume scans, you may check beforehand whether an analysis is required or not. This decision could be based on how risky Threat Intelligence considers the domain or the existence of specific violations.
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